How To Stay Warm In Winter Without Running Up Your Heating Bill

The cold weather is well on its way this winter and you will need to stay warm. But can you stay warm without running up your heating bill? There are several mistakes you could be making that can lead to a larger heating bill than necessary each winter. Here are some ways that you can keep your heating costs low this winter:

Repairman tuning up a furnace

Tune Up Your HVAC System

Tune up your HVAC system. Now is the perfect time to do it before you turn on that heater for the first time this season! Hire a professional service technician from Yount Heating & Cooling who can make sure every part of your heating and air conditioning system is working properly for the colder months.

House in winter covered in snow

Prep Your Home for the Colder Winter Months

Don't let that warm air escape your home! Make sure to insulate all cracks and crevices around windows, doors, walls, attics or crawl spaces with simple products like spray foam insulation which can be purchased at any hardware store. Yes, you can do this yourself! It's a cost-effective way to keep you warm this winter while reducing your energy bills.

Woman adjusting the thermostat

Keep Your Hands Off the Temperature Control

Don't touch your thermostat! It will save you time and money by adding a programmable thermostat to your home. A lot of people keep their heating system at the same temperature all day long, but with a programmable device this is not necessary. You can set it so that it kicks on when you need heat most.

Person reading by the fire under a blanket

Use Supplementary Heating Systems

Don't rely on your heating system to keep you warm the entire day! There are a number of supplemental heating systems that can be used with your traditional HVAC unit. Space heaters, electric mats and even simple hand or foot warmers will help you stay cozy on those especially cold days

If you want to stay warm this winter without running up your heating bill, there are a number of simple things that can be done. If you're not sure how to do any of these yourself, call an HVAC professional at Yount Heating & Cooling.

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